Publications & Presentations
"connect and share"
Çimen, E,. The February 6, 2023, Turkey – Syria Earthquake: Its Effects on Libraries and the Role of Libraries in the Rebuilding Process. Translated in Japanese by Kazuyuki Sunaga. Libraries Today, Vol. 61, No.1, Pages 23 - 36.
Çimen, E,. Marzeocchi, S,. Training Kit HERMES: strumenti e opportunita formative sulla condivisione delle risorte digitali (book chapter). Un’esplosione di conoscenza: dalla teoria all pratica per ridurere le disuguaglianze. A cura di Nunzo Femmino e Loriana Maimone Ansaldo Patti. Università degli Studi di Messina, 27-30 Settembre 2022.
Çimen, E,. Bilgi Merkezlerinde iÅŸ birliÄŸi ve koordinasyon : Kütüphanelerarası iÅŸ birliÄŸi çalışmaları içinde Bilgi Merkezlerinde Yönetim II. (haz. Yilmaz, E., Kanik, L.). Hiperyayın. Ä°stanbul. s. 206-228, 18 Mart 2021
Çimen, E, Gürdal, G., Çuhadar, S., & Çanak, T.A. Yeni koronavirüs (COVID-19) sürecinde Türkiye’de Üniversite Kütüphaneleri. Bilgi, Dünyası. 21. (1): ss. 169-203. 2020, DOI:10.15612/BD.2020.834
University Libraries in Türkiye During Coronavirus (COVID-19) ErtuÄŸrul Çimen, Gültekin Gürdal, Sami Çuhadar, Tuba Akbayturk Çanak. YükseköÄŸretim Dergisi, Issue 17, July - September 2020, Pages 48 - 53.
University Libraries in Türkiye During New Coronavirus (COVID-19) ErtuÄŸrul Çimen, Gültekin Gürdal, Sami Çuhadar, Tuba Akbayturk Çanak. Bilgi Dünyası, Vol. 21, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 167- 203.​
Cost-sharing models: experience of the Anatolian University Libraries Consortium Sami Cuhadar, Ertugrul Cimen. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Volume 45, Issue 3, May 2019, Pages 252-261
Success Story of an Academic Library Consortium: ANKOS
Ertugrul Cimen, Tuba Akbayturk Canak, Sami Cukadar. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in University Library Development (Library Connect 2018). (24-37 ss.). Astana, 2018.
Cuhadar, S., Cimen, E. & Turan, A. In-transit Practices among Multi-campus University Libraries in Turkey, in Proceedings of the 16th IFLA ILDS conference: Beyond the paywall - Resource sharing in a disruptive ecosystem, National Library of Technology in Prague. 147-174 31 Mart, 2017
The Architecture of a Library in a Digital World (book chapter)The flipped approach to higher education: Designing universities for today's knowledge economies and societies. Åžahin, M., Kurban, C. F., The Architecture of a Library in a Digital World. (85-88. ss.). Bingley : Emerald. 2016
Future of Resource Sharing in Türkiye: Can Open Access be an Alternative?
Ertugrul Cimen. Interlending & Document Supply, Volume 40, Issue 3, July – September 2012
Millenium Adventure of Publishing (in Turkish)
Ertugrul Cimen. Panorama Khas, pp 33-36, Issue 3, Summer 2011
KITS: a National System for Document Supply in Türkiye
Ertugrul Cimen, Ayhan Tuglu, Mehmet Manyas, Sema Celikbas, Zeki Celikbas.
Interlending & Document Supply, Volume 38, Issue 1, January – March, 2010
International Academic Publications & Scientific Productivity of Türkiye (in Türkiye)
Hacer Cimen, Ertugrul Cimen
UNAK’06 “Scientific Communication &Information Management”
Gazi University, October 12 – 14, 2006 Conference Proceedings,pages: 145 – 162, 2008
“Libraries’ Response to the Climate Crisis from an IFLA Perspective: Awareness and Action”
Çimen, ErtuÄŸrul (Moderator); Al Jabri, Saif; Saleh AlShamari, Eiman; Abushulaibi, Eman; Dr. Abu Eid, Emad. 2nd International Exhibition & Conferences for Museums and Libraries Technologies, Restoration, Archaeology and Cultural Tourism, Heritage Middle East 2024 Conference, 10 - 12 December, Abu Dhabi.
Adapting Public Collections and Libraries Through 21st Century Strategies and Solutions: Adapt, Manage or Perish. ReAImagining Public Collections in the 21st Century in Light of Digital Development” Conference. 14 – 15 October 2024, Budapest, Hungary.
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
JOVE YouTube Webinar, 15 May 2024.
Türkiye’nin Kütüphane Ekosistemi: Ä°kinci Yüzyıl Hedefleri (Opening Speech)
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
Information for the Future Workshop 2023, Antalya, October 26 - 29, 2023
Comparative study of 5 countries on how libraries contribute to SDGs (Poster)
Akbaytürk, Tuba; Cevher, Nilay; Çimen, ErtuÄŸrul; Zayim Gedik, Kübra. 87th IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 21 – 25 August 2023, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Sustainability and IFLA; What happens in Europe?
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
ANKOS Link 2022, Antalya, November 21 - 24, 2022
HERMES Training Activities (O3); Future Directions
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
XI Convegno Nazionale suI Document Delivery e la cooperazione interbiblitecaria Un’esplosione di conoscenza: dalla teoria alla pratica per ridurre le disuguguaglianze. Italy, September 27, 2022
A New Chapter; connecting, collaborating, and contributing
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
17th Interlanding & Document Supply Congress. Qatar, September 20 - 22, 2022
Hermes training activities (O3) future directions
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
17th Interlanding & Document Supply Congress, September 18 - 19, 2022
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Kütüphaneler ve sürdürülebilir kalkınma amaçlarıErtuÄŸrul ÇimenÜNAK 2022 Sempozyumu / Bugünü geleceÄŸe taşımak: Kütüphaneler ve sürdürülebilirlik, 29-30 Eylül 2022
HERMES Training Activities (O3)
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
Session 081 The HERMES Project: Strengthening Digital Resource Sharing during COVID and Beyond. 87th IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Dublin, Ireland,​ July 26 - 29, 2022​​
Recent freedom of expression and freedom of information trends in Turkey
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
Session 156 Reaffirming Article 19 in Troubled Times (SI).​ 87th IFLA World Librar yand Information Congress, Dublin, Ireland. July 26 - 29, 2022
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Sürdürülebilirlik ve IFLA; Avrupa bölgesinde neler oluyor?
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
Heritage Istanbul, May 13, 2022
Sustainability and IFLA; What happens in Europe?. 3rd Library Staff Week.
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
Koc University Suna Kıraç Library, Ä°stanbul - Türkiye, May 12, 2022
Akademik kütüphanelerin zor yılı : kur, kullanıcı, kaynak üçgeni ve yönetim.
Tuba Çanak, ErtuÄŸrul Çimen, Sami Çuhadar, Gültekin Gürdal
ÜNAK Kurumsal Youtube kanalı. Ocak, 2022
CNR Bologna Research Area library (Italy), University of Balamand (Lebanon), University of Cantabria (Spain), MEF University (Turkey) & International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). (From 1/5/2021 to 31/10/2022). HERMES – Strengthening digital resource sharing during COVID and beyond. HERMES AB Project
Pandemi sürecinde dünyada ILL uygulamaları ve çözümleri 1
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
VI. Ulusal Online Akademik Kaynak Paylaşım Çalıştayı: Panel 4, Ä°stanbul 16-18 Kasım 2020
Success Story of an Academic Library Consortium: ANKOS
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen, Tuba Akbayturk Canak, Sami Cukadar. 7th International Conference on Emerging Global Trends in University Library Development (Library Connect 2018). Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan, May 23 -24 2018.​
Social Media Effect in Academic Libraries
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen. London Info International 2016 Conference, London, December 6 - 7, 2016
Online Training Platform for Library Professionals: ANKOS Academy
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen, Sonmez Celik, Gonul Kafali, Ustun Berk Sezgin, Bahar .Erkan Turgut, Hakan Yanaz. “All about E-learning towards Connection. Collaboration. Community. - Education and Training Section joint with Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section and Information Technology Section” World Library and Information Congress: 82nd IFLA General Conference and Assembly, Columbus, Ohio, United States, August 13 - 19, 2016
User-Oriented Social Media Management
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
Erasmus staff training week 2016: Open Access: academic libraries' role within a moving context, University of Liége, Liéege, Belgium, March 07 – 12, 2016
Nationwide Resource Sharing and Staff Mobility
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen. XIV International Conference and Exhibition "Consortia Library System: Technologies and Innovation" Istanbul University, Istanbul, Türkiye, June 24 - 28, 2015
How Turkish Academic Libraries Share E-resources; Infrastructure, Rights, and Restrictions
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
6es Journées professionnelles du CTLes
Bulac Library (University Library on Languages and Civilizations) Paris, France, June 17 – 18, 2015
Sharing Resources & More (keynote speech)
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen
International Conference on the Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museums :
Innovative Ideas, Technologies and Services
Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi, India, November 27 – 29, 2014
New Module for Secure Electronic Resource Sharing in Türkiye
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen, Sema ÇelikbaÅŸ, Zeki ÇelikbaÅŸ, Ayhan TuÄŸlu
“Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section” IFLA 2014 Conference Lyon, France, August 16 - 22, 2014
Professional Training Via Interlibrary Staff Exchange: Case Study From Türkiye
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen, Sema ÇelikbaÅŸ, Zeki ÇelikbaÅŸ, Ayhan TuÄŸlu
Off-site Summit, August 18, 2014 in IFLA 2014 Conference Lyon, France, August 16 - 22, 2014
Presentation of Türkiye Country Report at SELL (Southern European Libraries Link) Meeting
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen, Sami Çukadar
14th Meeting of Southern European Libraries Link Consortia (SELL), May 22nd - May 23rd, 2014 at Florence, Italy​
Presentation of Türkiye Country Report at SELL (Southern European Libraries Link) Meeting
ErtuÄŸrul Çimen, Sami Çukadar
12th Meeting of Southern European Libraries’ Consortia (SELL), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 15-16, 2012
Future of Resource Sharing in Türkiye: Can Open-Access be an Alternative?
Ertugrul Cimen
12th Interlending & Document Supply Conference, Chicago, USA, September 19 – 21, 2011
Internet and Ways of Access to the Information
Ertugrul Cimen
TUBÄ°TAK-BÄ°DEB Lise - 1 Workshop 2011, Kepez, Çanakkale, July 10, 2011
Presentation of Türkiye Country Report at SELL (Southern European Libraries Link) Meeting
Gültekin Gürdal, Ertugrul Cimen
11th Meeting of Southern European Libraries’ Consortia (SELL), Oporto, Portugal, June 3-5, 2011
The Impact of ANKOS in Development of Türk Academic Librarians as a Social and Professional Communication Platform
Dr. Leyla Kanık, Ertugrul Cimen
QQML 2011: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, International Conference, Athens, Greece, May 24-27, 2011
New Opportunities for Resource Sharing in Türkiye
Ertugrul Cimen
ALIA Access 2010 Conference, Brisbane, Australia, September 01 – 03, 2010
New approaches for interlibrary loan operations in Türkiye: KITS (Interlibrary Loan Tracking System) (Presentation & Article)
Ertugrul Cimen, Ayhan Tuglu, Mehmet Manyas, Sema Celikbas, Zeki Celikbas.(
World Library and Information Congress: 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, Theme: "Libraries create futures: building on cultural heritage" Milan, Italy, August 23-27, 2009
Presentation of Türkiye Country Report at SELL (Southern European Libraries Link) Meeting
Ertugrul Cimen, Gultekin Gurdal
8th Meeting of Southern European Libraries' Consortia (SELL), Sala Atti della Facolta' di Scienze Politiche - Facolta di Scienze Politiche, University of Trieste – Italy, May 30-31, 2008
International Academic Publications & Scientific Productivity of Türkiye
Hacer Cimen, Ertugrul Cimen
UNAK’06 “Scientific Communication & Information Management” Gazi University, October 12 – 14, 2006
A Digital Library Program “Greenstone” (Presentation)
Ertugrul Cimen, Ugur Bulgan
1st UNAK General Conference 19 Mayıs University, October 12 – 14, 2002
Internet & Libraries
Ertugrul Cimen
Effective Internet Usage Conference, Beykent University April 17, 2001